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Version: 2.0.x

Form recipe

To handle fullscreen form, just follow steps from module usage section


export const FormExample: React.FC = () => {
* If you use react-navigation and want to enable module only in specific screen,
* you can call it in react-navigation `useFocusEffect` callback
* If you want to have module always enabled,
* just call it inside `useEffect` in your root component
* ```
* useEffect(() => {
* AvoidSoftInput.setAdjustNothing(); // <---- Set windowSoftInputMode on Android to match iOS behavior
* AvoidSoftInput.setEnabled(true); // <---- Enable module
* }, [])
* ```
const onFocusEffect = useCallback(() => {
AvoidSoftInput.setAdjustNothing(); // <---- Set windowSoftInputMode on Android to match iOS behavior
AvoidSoftInput.setEnabled(true); // <---- Enable module
return () => {
}, []);


/** Sample form */
return (
<Image />
<TextInput placeholder="Single line input" />
<TextInput placeholder="Multiline input" />
<TextInput placeholder="Large multiline input" />
<Button />