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JS specification

When all boilerplate is ready, let's navigate to src directory, where JS specification files are located. Very often, complex native layouts expose different APIs, that are platform-specific, so it's hard to handle them with one specification. Luckily, RN's codegenNativeComponent function accepts excludedPlatforms field as an option. We'll use it for learning purposes, to declare Android-only and iOS-only specifications.

Let's start with the iOS - navigate to src/RNNativeListViewNativeComponent.tsx and declare the spec:

import type * as React from 'react';
import type {
} from 'react-native';
import type { Int32 } from 'react-native/Libraries/Types/CodegenTypes';
import codegenNativeCommands from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeCommands';
import codegenNativeComponent from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';

type DataItem = { imageUrl: string; description: string }

export interface RNNativeListViewProps extends ViewProps {
data: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<DataItem>>;
options: { placeholderImage: string };

export type RNNativeListViewComponent = HostComponent<RNNativeListViewProps>;

export interface RNNativeListViewNativeCommands {
scrollToItem: (viewRef: React.ElementRef<RNNativeListViewComponent>, index: Int32) => void;

export const RNNativeListViewCommands = codegenNativeCommands<RNNativeListViewNativeCommands>({
supportedCommands: [ 'scrollToItem' ],

export default codegenNativeComponent<RNNativeListViewProps>('RNNativeListView', {
excludedPlatforms: [ 'android' ],
}) as RNNativeListViewComponent;

The iOS native component will accept two props, first is an array of objects, and second is an object. Additionally, component will have one scroll command declared with codegenNativeCommands function. To mark the component as iOS-only, let's put excludedPlatforms array to the codegenNativeComponent options argument.

Now, let's handle Android - navigate to src/AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent.tsx and declare the spec:

import type * as React from 'react';
import type {
} from 'react-native';
import type { Int32 } from 'react-native/Libraries/Types/CodegenTypes';
import codegenNativeCommands from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeCommands';
import codegenNativeComponent from 'react-native/Libraries/Utilities/codegenNativeComponent';

type DataItem = { imageUrl: string; description: string }

export interface AndroidNativeListViewProps extends ViewProps {
data: ReadonlyArray<Readonly<DataItem>>;
options: { placeholderImage: string };

export type AndroidNativeListViewComponent = HostComponent<AndroidNativeListViewProps>;

export interface AndroidNativeListViewNativeCommands {
scrollToItem: (viewRef: React.ElementRef<AndroidNativeListViewComponent>, index: Int32) => void;

export const AndroidNativeListViewCommands = codegenNativeCommands<AndroidNativeListViewNativeCommands>({
supportedCommands: [ 'scrollToItem' ],

export default codegenNativeComponent<AndroidNativeListViewProps>('AndroidNativeListView', {
excludedPlatforms: [ 'iOS' ],
}) as AndroidNativeListViewComponent;

The spec looks very similar to the iOS one, however we keep them separate for learning purposes - after finishing this guide, you may want to play with those platform layouts and try to expose some specific props or commands without breaking the other platform.

You can run codegen to generate native classes and interfaces, and also check if specification is defined in correct way:

  • on iOS: run yarn codegen:ios, the code-generated classes should be available under your app's <rootDir>/ios/build/generated/ios directory

  • on Android: yarn codegen:android, the code-generated classes should be available under the package's <rootDir>/<packageDir>/android/build/generated/source/codegen directory

Now let's wrap native components - to do that, we will use platform-specific file extension (.ios.tsx & .android.tsx) to let the bundler pick correct one, depending on the platform:

  • src/NativeListView.ios.tsx
import * as React from 'react';

import type { RNNativeListViewComponent } from './RNNativeListViewNativeComponent';
import RNNativeListViewNativeComponent, { RNNativeListViewCommands } from './RNNativeListViewNativeComponent';

type Props = React.ComponentProps<typeof RNNativeListViewNativeComponent>;

export class NativeListView extends React.Component<Props> {
private innerRef = React.createRef<React.ElementRef<RNNativeListViewComponent>>();

scrollToItem = (index: number) => {
const ref = this.innerRef.current;

if (ref) {
RNNativeListViewCommands.scrollToItem(ref, index);

render() {
return <RNNativeListViewNativeComponent ref={this.innerRef} {...this.props} />;
  • src/
import * as React from 'react';

import type { AndroidNativeListViewComponent } from './AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent';
import AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent, { AndroidNativeListViewCommands } from './AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent';

type Props = React.ComponentProps<typeof AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent>;

export class NativeListView extends React.Component<Props> {
private innerRef = React.createRef<React.ElementRef<AndroidNativeListViewComponent>>();

scrollToItem = (index: number) => {
const ref = this.innerRef.current;

if (ref) {
AndroidNativeListViewCommands.scrollToItem(ref, index);

render() {
return <AndroidNativeListViewNativeComponent ref={this.innerRef} {...this.props} />;
  • src/NativeListView.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import type { ViewProps } from 'react-native';
import { View } from 'react-native';

type Props = ViewProps & {
data: ReadonlyArray<{ imageUrl: string; description: string }>
options: Readonly<{ placeholderImage: string }>

export class NativeListView extends React.Component<Props> {
scrollToItem = (index: number) => {

render() {
return <View {...this.props} />;

In iOS & Android specific implementations, we pass all the props, and handle the scrollToItem command. Inside the src/NativeListView.tsx we declare "dummy" implementation for out-of-tree platforms.

After that, let's finalize JS part with exporting module from index.ts

export { NativeListView } from './NativeListView';

JS part finished! Let's jump to iOS implementation.